Helen Dick Megaw and the Dynamic Lives of Inorganic Molecules.
The Fibers of Life: Pauline Mack and the Science of What We Put In, and On, Our Bodies.
The Ice Woman: Mary Engle Pennington’s Revolutionary World of Refrigeration.
Probing the Ultraviolet: The Spectroscopic Marvels of Emma Perry Carr
Against the Current: Margaret Eliza Maltby and the Fight for Women in Physics.
Two Roads Diverged: Marietta Blau, Hertha Wambacher, and the Great Cosmic Ray Chase.
Broken Hearts and Nuclear Secrets: Marie Maynard Daly, America's First Black Woman Chemist.
From Quaker Crystallographer to World War Pacifist: The Journey of Kathleen Lonsdale
Marie-Anne Lavoisier and the Birth of Modern Chemistry.
From Wartime Radar to W-Bosons: The Experimental Physics of Joan Freeman.
Queen of Carbon: The Materials Science Legacy of Mildred Dresselhaus
Gone, Fission: How Lise Meitner was Written Out of the Nuclear Age
The Unstoppable Marie Curie
A Bigger Boom: Mary Sherman Morgan, the World's First Woman Rocket Scientist.
Born Not Taught: Marian Koshland and the Source of Antibody Variation.
Making the Gradient: Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard and the Mysteries of Embryo Development
How a Kitchen Experiment Spawned a New Science: The Surface Physics of Agnes Pockels.
Fighting Penicillin's Monster: Elizabeth Hazen and Rachel Brown.
The Chemistry of Beauty: Hazel Bishop Betrayed.
More than a Prize Unwon: The Manifold Legacies of Rosalind Franklin