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Newest Portraits

Dale DeBakcsy
16 hours ago6 min read
Building a Place to Learn: Spectroscopist Gladys Amelia Anslow’s Five Decades at Smith College
In the middle of the Twentieth Century, if you wanted to know about the bleeding edge of modern chemical spectroscopy, Gladys Anslow...

Dale DeBakcsy
6 days ago7 min read
A Raptor Story: Jadn Soper and the New Generation in Predator Conservation Efforts.
There is something instantly mesmerizing about looking into the face of a raptor, a wordless communication between two species which are...

Dale DeBakcsy
Jan 256 min read
Achtung, Brainy: Grace Lindsay and the Mathematical Modeling of the Human Brain.
You are placed in front of a screen that is black save for one spot of red in the center, and are told to focus strictly and solely upon...

Dale DeBakcsy
Dec 5, 202410 min read
Filled With People: The Teeming Mental Spaces of Melanie Klein.
We are never alone. From our first connections with other human beings, we start filling ourselves with them, melding not only their...

Dale DeBakcsy
Oct 28, 20247 min read
Helen Dick Megaw and the Dynamic Lives of Inorganic Molecules.
In 1941, the first patent was filed for a hot new product that stood to revolutionize the electronics field - it was a capacitor that...
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